
2021 Safety Updates

We are all eager to get back to some normalcy and get our friends out there on their bikes!  But safety has always been our top priority and must remain that way this year more than ever.  We recognize we’re in an evolving situation, so we’re working closely with our health departments, our first responders, and our volunteer coordinators to get the best possible environment for a safe, fun experience for all involved.  This may mean new elements such as a staggered start for different routes, adjustments to registration pickup, and face coverings while at group settings...and lots and lots of sanitizing!  But rest assured, we’ll keep you posted as we finalize those details in May and June.

Though Tour de Corn may look a little different this year, you can be confident we’ll provide the unparalleled hospitality you expect from our volunteers and our little ol’ ride.  You cannot imagine how much we’ve missed you and want to welcome you back “home”!

The rest stop and road marking were clear. Every person who was helping at the stops registration tables, etc. were some of the best mannered people. So to sum this AWESOME JOB.

   --- Brad Davis

Really enjoyed the ride Saturday! The weather was nice, great SAG support and wonderful rest stops! Everyone was so nice and hospitable. This was my first, and I will definitely be back next year!

   --- Pennie Martin
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